Sunday, October 08, 2006

Using IronPython's 1.0.1 new community written built-in module support

In a previous post I mentioned the community written built-in modules support provided with IronPython 1.0.1. I remembered that Kevin Chu had posted a C# replacement for the CPython md5 library on the mailing list for inclusion in the IronPython core. His code is a perfect candiate for using the new external module loading support. So if you compile the code below as a library assembly

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using IronPython.Runtime;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

[assembly: PythonModule("md5", typeof(IronPythonCommunity.Modules.PythonMD5))]
namespace IronPythonCommunity.Modules
public class PythonMD5
private MD5 _provider;
private readonly Encoding raw = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1");
private byte[] empty;

public PythonMD5()
_provider = MD5.Create();
empty = raw.GetBytes("");

public PythonMD5(string arg)
: this()

internal PythonMD5(MD5 provider)
: this()
_provider = provider;
public static PythonMD5
PythonNew([DefaultParameterValue(null)] string arg)
PythonMD5 obj;
if (arg == null)
obj = new PythonMD5();
obj = new PythonMD5(arg);
return obj;
public static PythonMD5
PythonNew2([DefaultParameterValue(null)] string arg)
return PythonMD5.PythonNew(arg);
public void Update(string arg)
byte[] bytes = raw.GetBytes(arg);
_provider.TransformBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, bytes, 0);
public string Digest()
_provider.TransformFinalBlock(empty, 0, 0);
return raw.GetString(_provider.Hash);
public string HexDigest()
_provider.TransformFinalBlock(empty, 0, 0);
string hexString = "";
foreach (byte b in empty)
hexString += b.ToString("X2");
return hexString;
public PythonMD5 Clone()
PythonMD5 obj = new PythonMD5(this._provider);
return obj;
and create a DLLs directory in your IronPython 1.0.1 installation and copy the compiled assembly to it. When you start a new IronPython console, you be able to import md5 and use it like the CPython version.
>>> import md5
>>> md5
<module 'md5' (built-in)>
>>> m =
>>> m.update("Nobody inspects")
>>> m.update(" the spammish repetition")
>>> m.digest()

Mind you, if you compare the code for the C# implementation with Seo Sanghyeon's you can see why using IronPython with .NET or Mono makes a programmers life easier.

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