Monday, December 04, 2006

OSDC 2006 Starts on Wednesday

Flying down to Melbourne tomorrow for OSDC 2006. The program is looking very good and I am sure the topics will be mind expanding. My talk on Mono, Boo and IronPython is midday on the second day of the conference. Based on my experience at the last two OSDC conferences, I have to agree with Andy Todd's statement:

"I expect OSDC this year like last will be full of smart people sharing great ideas, prompting me to make promises to myself to look into things that I won’t have time to keep."

So once I am back from the conference, I need to do the posts I have promised some readers of this blog:

The Status of IronPython and Eggs

IronPython and WSGI

Then I need to find the time for all the other things OSDC will have got me excited about.

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