Today Graham Dumpleton announced the first release candidate of mod_wsgi 2.0. mod_wsgi is a simple to use Apache module which can host any Python application which supports the Python WSGI interface. The new features added are:
- 'Process' option for WSGIReloadMechanism to make it easier to restart an application running in a mod_wsgi daemon process when code changes are made. When this option is enabled, you only need to touch the WSGI script file and the application to be reloaded.
- Ability to hook into the Apache 2.2 auth provider mechanism
- Support for Python virtual environments
- Provision of hooks to be able to work with the internal Apache APIs.
If you are in Sydney, Australia on Thursday 1 October you could find out more by attending the SyPy meetup where Graham will be talking about mod_wsgi. Details can be found here.