Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Roundup and WSGI

In a previous post I mentioned that I had an adaptor to run the Roundup Issue Tracker as a WSGI application. I never actually published the location of the code. So if you want to have a play, it can be found here. There are also 2 example ini files for using the adaptor with Paste.Deploy

Currently there is one unresolved issue: when using Roundup's internal authentication, after login the browser is not always re-directed correctly. This is not an issue for me as I use WSGI based authentication middleware.

10 Nov 2006
As of Roundup 1.3, Richard Jones has added a wsgi handler so I suggest you use that one instead.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

IronPython and ADO.NET Part 2

This is the second in a series of posts about database access with IronPython and ADO.NET. This post will discuss connecting to the database and executing basic DDL and SQL statements via the Python DB-API instead of directly accessing ADO.Net. So that the examples can run on Windows and non Windows systems, they will support either SQLite3 via the Mono.Data.SQLiteCilent ADO provider or Microsoft Access via the System.Data.Odbc provider.

The Python DB-API is a specification created by the Python Database SIG for a consistent interface to relational databases. For CPython there is at least one DB-API compliant library for most of the relational database engines that are used today. As part of his fepy project, Seo Sanghyeon has created a set of wrappers that provide DB-API support for MySQL, PostgreSql, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server and ODBC ADO.NET database drivers. Since one of the features of ADO.Net is to also provide a consistent interface to relational databases, you may question why do you need to use another layer for database access with IronPython. The answer is simple, the DB-API allows you to focus on the actual access and manipulation of the data and hides the low-level ADO.Net setup and management code. To show how the DB-API can simpify your IronPython code, the examples from the first post of this series have been modified to use the DB-API.

If you want try the example or use the DB-API with IronPython you will need to install it. You can either download the modules from here and copy to the IronPython Lib directory or build and/or install the IronPython Community Edition which includes the DB-API.

Creating a table example

The first section of code is only required so the examples will work on either *ix or windows platforms. In normal usage, there is no need to import dbapi.py directly, just import the DB-API module for the database you want to use.
import dbapi
import sqlite3 as db
connectstr = 'ip2country.db'
ip2country_create_table_ddl = '''
CREATE TABLE ip2country (
ipfrom INTEGER,
countrycode2 CHAR(2),
countrycode3 CHAR(3),
countryname VARCHAR(50),
PRIMARY KEY (ipfrom,ipto)
import odbc as db
connectstr = 'DSN=ip2country'
ip2country_create_table_ddl = '''
CREATE TABLE ip2country (
ipfrom DOUBLE,
ipto DOUBLE,
countrycode2 CHAR(2),
countrycode3 CHAR(3),
countryname VARCHAR(50),
CONSTRAINT ip2country_pk PRIMARY KEY (ipfrom,ipto)

Comparing this code with the ADO.Net example you see that the opening of the database connection, and create a command instance is automatically done by the DB-API module. The Python DB-API PEP specifies implicit transactions that are started automatically and committed or rolled back on demand, so compared to ADO.Net example , a commit is required.
dbcon = db.connect(connectstr)

cursor = dbcon.cursor()




Load the data example.

Compared to the ADO.Net example, the DB-API allows the IronPython code to be simpler as it handles the creation of Parameters. (Note to self: MS Access, bulk inserts and transactions == very slow)
dbcon = db.connect(connectstr)

import re
re_csv = re.compile(',(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))')

cursor = dbcon.cursor()
insert_statement= '''
INSERT INTO ip2country (
ipfrom, ipto, countrycode2, countrycode3, countryname
) VALUES ( ?,?,?,?,? )

f = open("ip-to-country.csv")
print "Loading..."
for line in f.readlines():
if line.endswith("\r\n"):
line = line[:-2] # remove \r\n
line = line[:-1] # just remove \n
print line
ipf, ipt, cc2, cc3, cn = re_csv.split(line)


Select some data example.

Instead of using the ExecuteReader as in the ADO.Net example, the fetch method of the cursor instance is used to get the query result.
def ip2number(ipaddress):
Convert dotted IP address to number
A,B,C,D = ipaddress.split(".")
return (int(A) * 16777216) + (int(B) * 65536) + (int(C) * 256) + int(D)

dbcon = db.connect(connectstr)

cursor = dbcon.cursor()

ipaddress = sys.argv[1]
# Convert dotted ip address to number
ipnumber = ip2number(ipaddress)
print "Error - An IP Address is required"

select_statement = '''SELECT * FROM ip2country
WHERE ipfrom <= %s AND ipto >= %s
''' % (ipnumber, ipnumber)


row = cursor.fetchone()
print "The location of IP address %s is %s." % (ipaddress, row[4])


Friday, October 27, 2006

IronPython Community Edition R3 Released.

Yesterday Seo Sanghyeon announced that the third release of IPCE was available. This release uses the current IronPython stable version 1.0.1 and the modules of the CPython 2.4.4 standard library that are known to work under IronPython. Also Sanghyeon has been busy creating additional CPython-compatible wrappers which are included with this release:
  • zlib, using System.IO.Compression.
  • hashlib, using System.Security.Cryptography
  • sqlite3, using generic DB-API module
I think another important change is the move to a MIT license. There had been some negative discussion about IPCE's previous WTF license, so hopefully this change means more people will consider using IPCE. So if you want a version of IronPython that has "batteries included", give IPCE a go.

You can download it from here or here.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Adding .pth file support to IronPython

In a blog post I read, there was the following statement:

'Damnit. Apparently IronPython doesn’t support .pth files. I’m not sure if I should expect this or not from a “1.0” product, but it’s sure annoying since it seems most libraries use them.'

For me, it is an issue due the fact that many of the libraries I want to use come as Python Eggs, and the easy-install.pth file is required if you want them to work. So I decided to see what was needed to add .pth support to IronPython. In the end it was not too hard as the logic to add the contents of the pth files to the sys.path is included in the CPython site.py. It needed a little modification, but if you add this code to IronPython's site.py, .pth files work.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Now running on Blogger Beta

Yesterday I moved this blog to run under the Blogger Beta. I had been running a test blog under it for the last month, and had suffered no show stopping issues. So made the decision to move yesterday and are now regretting it. The one thing I didn't test was the Atom feed with the various feed readers that subscribe to my blog. It would appear that pyblagg (the site most of my readers come via) doesn't see that the feed has been updated, so any posts created since the move are not being displayed. Do not have time to investigate at the moment, so created a feed using Feedburner in the hope that pyblagg can use this.

Using IronPython's 1.0.1 new community written built-in module support

In a previous post I mentioned the community written built-in modules support provided with IronPython 1.0.1. I remembered that Kevin Chu had posted a C# replacement for the CPython md5 library on the mailing list for inclusion in the IronPython core. His code is a perfect candiate for using the new external module loading support. So if you compile the code below as a library assembly

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using IronPython.Runtime;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

[assembly: PythonModule("md5", typeof(IronPythonCommunity.Modules.PythonMD5))]
namespace IronPythonCommunity.Modules
public class PythonMD5
private MD5 _provider;
private readonly Encoding raw = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1");
private byte[] empty;

public PythonMD5()
_provider = MD5.Create();
empty = raw.GetBytes("");

public PythonMD5(string arg)
: this()

internal PythonMD5(MD5 provider)
: this()
_provider = provider;
public static PythonMD5
PythonNew([DefaultParameterValue(null)] string arg)
PythonMD5 obj;
if (arg == null)
obj = new PythonMD5();
obj = new PythonMD5(arg);
return obj;
public static PythonMD5
PythonNew2([DefaultParameterValue(null)] string arg)
return PythonMD5.PythonNew(arg);
public void Update(string arg)
byte[] bytes = raw.GetBytes(arg);
_provider.TransformBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, bytes, 0);
public string Digest()
_provider.TransformFinalBlock(empty, 0, 0);
return raw.GetString(_provider.Hash);
public string HexDigest()
_provider.TransformFinalBlock(empty, 0, 0);
string hexString = "";
foreach (byte b in empty)
hexString += b.ToString("X2");
return hexString;
public PythonMD5 Clone()
PythonMD5 obj = new PythonMD5(this._provider);
return obj;
and create a DLLs directory in your IronPython 1.0.1 installation and copy the compiled assembly to it. When you start a new IronPython console, you be able to import md5 and use it like the CPython version.
>>> import md5
>>> md5
<module 'md5' (built-in)>
>>> m = md5.new()
>>> m.update("Nobody inspects")
>>> m.update(" the spammish repetition")
>>> m.digest()

Mind you, if you compare the code for the C# implementation with Seo Sanghyeon's md5.py you can see why using IronPython with .NET or Mono makes a programmers life easier.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Latest IronPython Releases

IronPython 1.0.1 released

IronPython 1.0.1 was released today. Apart from some minor bug fixes, it includes a new feature described in the release email as follows:

"The new support for community written built-in modules enables loading the .NET DLLs on startup and adding them to the built-in module list. This feature was implemented by updating site.py to check for a "DLLs" directory and looking for the PythonModuleAttribute point to an assembly. Now users can create built-in modules by simply adding this attribute to their assembly and re-distributing only the new assembly which the user can add to their DLLs directory."

The IronPython team say it is a small feature, but I believe it has greater implications. There has been much discussion on the mailing list about Microsoft not accepting community contributed code and when will missing CPython standard library module X that relies on a C extension be in the distribution. Now the community has another way to provide them.

IronPython Community Edition (IPCE)

A couple of weeks ago the busiest member of the IronPython community Seo Sanghyeon released a distribution of IronPython compiled under Mono. He has called this the IronPython Community Edition. As well as have a number of patches applied to the IronPython source that makes it work better under Mono, it comes with a substantial portion of the CPython standard library known to work under IronPython, CPython-compatible wrappers for .NET library:
md5, pyexpat, select, sha, socket, ssl, unicodedata, and the third party libraries - BeautifulSoup and ElementTree. He has also created a Sourceforge project for his IronPython modules and IPCE http://fepy.sourceforge.net/