Friday, September 23, 2005

OSDC Proposal Outline

It would appear that you need a login to view my proposal. So here is a copy.

WSGI - Gateway or Glue?

Short Description: Present a review of where WSGI currently is and describe/show how it is being used to create a framework-neutral set of components.

Stream: Python

30 minute Paper Presentation in English

The Web Service Gateway Interface is an API defined in PEP 333 that allows web servers to talk to Python web applications. At the time of OSDC 2005, the PEP will be 2 years old and the presentation will review the state of WSGI implementations for the various web servers including Apache, IIS, Twisted etc. It will also show how the API is used to implement a web server interface and create an application. In the last 6 months, the main WSGI community focus has been on creating web applications by composing them from components that communicate via WSGI. The remainder of the presentation will discuss this and show what can be done.

Friday, September 16, 2005

OSDC Proposal Accepted

"Your proposal has now been reviewed, and I am pleased to be able to inform you that it has been accepted for inclusion in the conference program" so it is now time for me to gather together all the ideas that have flowing around in my head and create a coherent paper from them. The proposal description can be found at

After looking at the other accepted proposals, I know this is going to be an even better OSDC than last year. Also as mentioned in a previous post there is a much better balance in the "P" scripting languages than last year ;-)

So if you want to spend an interesting 3 days in Melbourne in early December, why not goto the Open Source Developers Conference